SCULPT has been created specifically around our expertise: to help sculpt, tone & strengthen your physique. Each program has it's slight differences but all follow an 8 week program which are all predominantly weight based. You will have your individual calories and macros calculated for you based on your current condition & your fitness/health/body goals. You will also be guided through the process of how to track your calories and follow the flexible dieting approach. All the while you will have full access to message your online coach our use your community group whenever needed.

SCULPT begins every Monday, with weekly intakes. So purchase by Sunday to begin the following Monday. Upon purchase you will gain instant access to our Cobalt+ app & a whole bunch of it's features. Your program will not appear until Day 1.

  • Home

    Fitness Level:


    Training Focus:
    Circuit style and resistance based workouts all with minimal equipment.

    Workout Components:
    - Circuit Training / HIIT

    - Weighted Sessions progressing each week

    - Low-Intensity Cardio

    - Daily Step targets

    - Habit tracking

    Learn More 
  • Female

    Fitness Level:


    Training Focus:
    Weighted + circuit style workouts and a body part workout split.

    Workout Components:
    - Circuit Training / HIIT

    - Upper/Lower Body Split

    - Low-Intensity Cardio

    - Daily Step targets

    - Habit tracking

    - 3 2x week phases/blocks

    - 6 workouts per week

    Learn More 
  • Male

    Fitness Level:


    Training Focus:
    Weighted + circuit style workouts and a body part workout split.

    Workout Components:
    - Circuit Training / HIIT

    - Weighted Sessions

    - Low-Intensity Cardio

    - Daily Step targets

    - Habit tracking

    - 5 workouts per week

    Learn More 
  • Sculpt 2.0 & is here!

    Keen to continue on? We all know good things take time & although we can make magic in just 8 weeks, it is when we stay consistent, patient & committed long term that we will start to see huge results. 2.0 is your follow on program to our original SCULPT all following the same principles as our original SCULPT with home, female gym & male gym options.

    Learn More 
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